
Avatar for Daniel Roe
daniel roe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

the most beneficial effect of many boycotts is on yourself

'but that won't hurt company x' is often irrelevant

I'm taking back some agency
I'm aligning my actions with my beliefs
I feel better for it

that's good enough

in fact, imo it's better than punishment as a motive

Avatar for Daniel Roe
daniel roe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

whoa.... 1k job applications? 🀯

I'd try to prove your experience w/ side projects or open source.

I'd also reach out directly to companies you really love - even if there's no public opening.

plus, make sure you craft your cv + letter for the particular role - nothing generic.


advice to a 2025 graduate working through a low response rate on 1000+ applications? experience seems to be a chicken and egg problem

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daniel roe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

so much!

I take it you mean vueconf.us?

I've not been to tampa in years but it's going to be legendary

my main regret is that I can't go to the other workshops. (I've never been able to catch evan you or ben hong, for example - mine has always been at the same time)

are you looking forward to vue conf already

Avatar for Daniel Roe
daniel roe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

one of the most powerful forces is the need to be self consistent

make one bad (or good!) decision and your brain _bends_ to align with it

laugh at an over-the-line joke and find yourself a little later defending the indefensible

we radicalise ourselves

Avatar for Daniel Roe
daniel roe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

as a kid i struggled to start That Hideous Strength so many times - it was so different from the other two β€˜Space Trilogy’ books

… but after i finally finished it, it became one of my favourites - and has stayed in that list πŸ’―

so many truths + wisdoms

particularly incisive today

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daniel roe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

self-taught developers have advantages of our own:

- you didn't get into coding _by accident_ - embrace your drive
- use other skills in your coding - e.g. your problem solving or creativity or verbal talent


- play with code!
- ask 'why' a lot
- try to help others out


If I'm not mistaken, you are a self-taught developer, right?  What is your advice for any new self-taught developer?

Avatar for Daniel Roe
daniel roe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

absolutely. πŸ‘Œ

it's not the _import_ that gets overridden, though.

rather, Nuxt merges your `nuxt.options` from all your layers. so if one of your layers sets one property, but the final project that uses the layer sets the property to something different, it will override it.

I import and use values (pass them to nuxtseo config) from `./site` in my layer's nuxt.config.ts.   In my main app, I want to include a './site.ts' and I want this to override the one used in my layer, possible?

Avatar for Daniel Roe
daniel roe πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

I started using a standing desk because I don't have enough room right now for a chair. it's quite fun. it feels more active somehow.

in honesty I don't experience foot pain. I move around a bit + sometimes I stand on one leg. (tmi? sorry)

Looks like you are using standing desks. Can I ask why you prefer them? It seems a bit strange to me. How do you control your foot pain? I mean your sole foot.
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